
Welcome to Greensleeves Photography. I am located in Saint Paul, Minnesota, but travel to New Orleans often. I've been taking pictures in both areas! I started this business as a side business to do something I love to do. I'm constantly learning all the ins and outs of photography. Thank you for visiting the site. I hope you like what you see! -Shelle

Friday, April 1, 2011

About the Photographer

I got my first camera when I was six years old, and I never put it down. My family actually start to cringe whenever they saw my camera. Through the years I've been practicing more and more and only treating photography as a hobby. I was afraid to make photography a job because I didn't want to stop loving it, but photography is my escape, my passion.

Recently, I dediced to start my own business. I still have tons to learn, but would love the practice. It all started when my daughter turned 15 months old, and we couldn't afford the photographers out there. I told my husband I wish there was a photographer who could do great pictures, but understood budgets. I have a good friend, who always gave me deals, but still my husband didn't want me spending that much.

So, here I am starting my own side business to help other families get great pictures for a low cost. I like natural light when I am working. You will never see me bring lights around even if they are studio shots. Please don't be afraid to say what type of pictures  you would like. I'm always willing to give you the best pictures available!

Thank you for visiting!